
Friday, 18 March 2011

I suck!

So yeah, it seems I'm seriously failing at this! I was tempted to give up, but there's not that long left, and I was enjoying it before I started slacking, so I might as well carry on! So this is a three-in-one because I've been uber lazy. (Well, actually I was busy writing the world's worst essay, but hey!)

Day 21 - A picture of something you wish you could forget

I spent the last few days writing a sci-fi essay about whether Rocky Horror could be classed as sci-fi or not. It was rubbish. I'd like to forget I ever wrote that. 

Day 22 - A picture of something you wish you were better at

If I could have one skill, I'd love to be able to draw. I struggle drawing stick figures! My cousin Joe, and my brother, are amazing at art, and I envy them so much! I just think that it'd be something I could spend a lot of time doing and would help me relax. It certainly keeps Cameron quiet for a long time!

Day 23 - A picture of your favorite book

This one was probably the hardest choice I've had to make yet with these! To be honest, this has been a recent change. I've always classed Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban as my favourite all time book, but I absolutely fell in love with Eat, Pray, Love. I have to admit that To Kill A Mockingbird came very close to stealing the title again, but although I do love that book and can't wait to read it again, Eat, Pray, Love touched me and changed my outlook. (I never thought I'd ever say that about a book, but yeah, it's powerful.) 

I read Eat, Pray, Love during the summer, and it took me an unusually long time to read, I have to admit. For those who don't know, here's the blurb:

Elizabeth is in her thirties, settled in a large house with a husband who wants to start a family. But she doesn't want any of it. A bitter divorce and a rebound fling later, Elizabeth emerges battered yet determined to find what she's been missing. So begins her quest. In Rome, she indulges herself and gains nearly two stone. In India, she finds enlightenment through scrubbing temple floors. Finally, in Bali, a toothless medicine man reveals a new path to peace, leaving her ready to love again.  

The book is one emotional rollercoaster, as you can probably imagine just from that snippet. I first heard of it when I saw the trailer for the film, which I instantly wanted to see because I adore Julia Roberts, but I knew that the film couldn't possibly compare to a book with that much personal thought and feeling involved in the story, and it doesn't!

I gave the book to my mum and my friend Jasmin to read, and both of them ended up giving up on it, which I don't blame them for at all. It is hard going, especially during the India section, where Gilbert spends most of her time talking in detail about her struggle with meditation and prayer. I think that it's something you really need to have the patience for, and an interest in, to work through. But once through that, the finding love in Bali is worth it! 

It's basically a story about going on a journey and finding yourself and figuring out what you believe in and what you want from the world. I've been reading a lot of books like this lately, I think because it's what I'm trying to do myself at the moment.Gilbert is extremely easy for me to relate to (although I'm not a 30 odd year old divorcee travelling the world, there is a moment when she's in India when she talks about her relationship with God, and I was just like 'wow, you've just summed me up'. It was amazing.)

Anyway, now I've showcased my extremely lame book reviewing skills, (which I should really try to improve, considering the career choice!) I'm going to shush about that! I think that if you haven't read Eat, Pray, Love though, you definitely should.