I feel the need to apologise in advance for neglecting you in the month of November. You see I have quite a lot on this month, and even though most of you will be glad of the peace and quiet that the lack of me and my chatter will bring, I feel the need to excuse myself nonetheless.

Tomorrow (well, technically today) marks the start of National Novel Writing Month (NaNoWriMo). 30 Days/50,000 words. An epic challenge. One I can't wait to start, and will probably want to end in about 4 days time. I have my story all planned out though, I know my characters inside out. I've had a fun few weeks naming them and coming up with their personality traits, but now the hard work starts. As long as I can put my editing OCD to one side and can accept that I'm basically going to be splashing shite onto countless pages for the next 30 days, I should be ok. The point isn't to write a masterpiece, or create a work of art. It's to create the 'zero draft' of a novel, a basic structure of a story on paper to go back and edit and perfect afterwards. For someone like me, who puts everything off until the last possible minute, NaNoWriMo and its pressure is perfect. It is giving me the tight deadline that I always work best under, and making sure I actually finish what I started, unlike the several half written stories lying around in folders on my pc/in notebooks etc.
On top of these two awesome things, I hope to get a job. I REALLY NEED A JOB. I miss having money. Whoever said money can't buy happiness is a big fat liar. Money might not be able to literally buy happiness, but having some money certainly helps! I also miss leaving the house...something I tend not to do a lot in my current unemployed state. I think it's just a huge shock to my system. I've never been unemployed, not since I was 15. I didn't work during uni term time, but I've always had summer jobs. So now it's like WOAH...what the hell is happening?! Hopefully it won't be too long now. Some employer will take pity on me and give me a job. Let's hope.
Anyhow, I am officially rambling. It's 2am and I've been up a rather long time. As you can tell, I have a big day tomorrow, so night all and I will update soon!